OEM USB, RS232 Standard RS232 Single Cable OPOS Service ObjectsQuick Reference Guide
Utilities6 Datalogic™ OPOS Service Object4. Enable:5. Now click the “DataEventEnable” button and check the “AutoDataEventEnable” box, and scan a bar c
DualTest UtilityQuick Reference Guide 7Firmware Update with DualTestThe Datalogic 1.12 OPOS Scanner Service Object supports
Utilities8 Datalogic™ OPOS Service Object2. Confirm Update Firmware:Firmware Update Started The Status field will update at every 1% of the upload. De
DualTest UtilityQuick Reference Guide 9Update in progress, at 68% complete:Firmware Update FinishedNOTE that the service wi
Utilities10 Datalogic™ OPOS Service ObjectFinalized: The scanner is now back on line and fully operational.Scale with DualTestTo connect to a Scale, f
DualTest UtilityQuick Reference Guide 112. Open Scale:3. Claim:
Utilities12 Datalogic™ OPOS Service Object4. Enable: 5. Read a weight:
DualTest UtilityQuick Reference Guide 13Live Weight DisplayThe Datalogic 1.12 OPOS Scale Service Object supports the abilit
Utilities14 Datalogic™ OPOS Service Object2. Enable: (Live Weight Begins immediately / Zero Weight)3. Underweight: An under zero condition has occurre
DualTest UtilityQuick Reference Guide 154. In motion: The scale is in motion and has not stabilized.5. Overweight: The scal
Datalogic Scanning, Inc.959 Terry StreetEugene, Oregon 97402Telephone: (541) 683-5700Fax: (541) 345-7140An Unpublished Work - All rights reserved.
Utilities16 Datalogic™ OPOS Service Object6. Stable Large Weight:7. Stable Small Weight:
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Com-Quick Reference Guide 17RegistryWindows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Compa
Registry18 Datalogic™ OPOS Service ObjectHandScanner = USBHHScanner:• (Default) = DLOPOS.DLScanner – this is the default name used by the service. The
OPOS RegistryQuick Reference Guide 19MagellanSC = SCRS232ScannerCommon fields as per Handheld scanner above; in addition th
Registry20 Datalogic™ OPOS Service ObjectRS232Scanner = QS6000Common fields as above; in addition the following field is: • WarholParsing – defaults t
OPOS RegistryQuick Reference Guide 21TableScanner = USBScannerSettings are identical to USBHHScanner/HandScanner, except th
Registry22 Datalogic™ OPOS Service Object• CapStatusUpdate – defaulted to 1, this indicates that the scale service is capa-ble of supplying Status Upd
OPOS RegistryQuick Reference Guide 23• Port – defaulted to COM2. The user can select the desired COM port for their system.
Registry24 Datalogic™ OPOS Service ObjectLoggingThe DLS Service Objects have the ability to log various data items to a file for reporting, troublesho
OPOS RegistryQuick Reference Guide 25Some DLS scanners can report additional Value Added Features, provided that 1) this fe
Quick Reference Guide iTable of ContentsDatalogic™ OEM USB, RS232 Standard RS232 Single Cable OPOS Service Objects ...
Developers Guide26 Datalogic™ OPOS Service ObjectDevelopers GuideOPOS service objects export a uniform interface; however there may be slight differen
Scanner Properties:Quick Reference Guide 27DataCount:Returns the number of Data Events Queued.DataEventEnabled:Returns TRUE
Developers Guide28 Datalogic™ OPOS Service ObjectDevice Specific Properties:DecodeData:Returns TRUE or FALSE depending on the previous SetProperty cal
Scanner Methods:Quick Reference Guide 29Scanner Methods:Common Methods:Open:ReturnsOPOS_SUCCESSOPOS_E_NOSERVICEOPOS_E_NOEXI
Developers Guide30 Datalogic™ OPOS Service ObjectOPOS_E_NOTCLAIMEDOPOS_E_OFFLINEOPOS_E_ILLEGALReleaseDevice:Returns OPOS_SUCCESS, OPOS_E_ILLEGAL, or
Scanner Events:Quick Reference Guide 31Scanner Events:Common Event:DataEvent:This event fires when a label is forwarded fro
Developers Guide32 Datalogic™ OPOS Service ObjectExternal HCheck: not supported.Interactive HCheck: not supported.Claimed:Returns TRUE after Claim met
Scale Properties:Quick Reference Guide 33DeviceServiceVersion:Returns 10120XXX where XXX is the minor version.PhysicalDevic
Developers Guide34 Datalogic™ OPOS Service ObjectStatusNotify:If CapStatusUpdate is TRUE, the application can set StatusNotify to either SCAL_SN_DISAB
Table of ContentsiiDatalogic™ OPOS Service ObjectNOTES
Developers Guide36 Datalogic™ OPOS Service ObjectDevice Specific Methods:GetSalesPrice:Returns 0Not implementedGetUnitPrice:Returns 0Not implementedSe
Developers Guide38 Datalogic™ OPOS Service ObjectAppendix A: DirectIO Command SupportDirectIO name IO numberScanner ScaleInterfaceRS232 StdRS232 SC OE
Scale Events:Quick Reference Guide 39RS232 SC, OEM USB, RS232 Std SCANNER/SCALE (cont.)SC_SCALE_STATUS6SCALE_MONITOR7DISP
Developers Guide40 Datalogic™ OPOS Service ObjectNCR Scanner DirectIO for compatibility SCANNER_TONE500SCANNER_RESET501SCANNER_STATUS502SCANNER_REA
Datalogic Scanning, Inc.959 Terry StreetEugene, OR 97402USATelephone: (541) 683-5700Fax: (541) 345-7140www.scanning.datalogic.comAustraliaDatalogic Sc
Quick Reference Guide 1Datalogic™ OEM USB, RS232 Standard RS232 Single Cable OPOS Service ObjectsIntroductionDocument Conventions Formatting conventio
Introduction2 Datalogic™ OPOS Service ObjectDatalogic Products Supported. Device Type Scanner ScaleRS232 StdRS232 SC OEM USBRS232 StdRS232 SC OEM USBT
Running the InstallQuick Reference Guide 3InstallationRunning the InstallInstallation can be performed in either of two way
Utilities4 Datalogic™ OPOS Service ObjectUtilitiesDualTest UtilityThe Datalogic 1.12 OPOS package contains a utility called DualTest that provides cus
DualTest UtilityQuick Reference Guide 52. Open Scanner:3. Claim:
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